Squad gold o

Squad Gold

Key Learning Skills

  • Significantly improve fitness by more demanding swims
  • Continue to develop racing skills
  • Become proficient in the use of the pace clock
  • Endurance, skill and competition training

In this squad level the techniques developed in Squad Silver are consolidated and new skills are introduced in each of the four strokes.

Depending on the type of session this group will swim between 1800m - 2500m. Fitness sessions, for example will cover a greater distance in comparison to a sprint session.

Now's the time to be a 'State Swim Challenger'.


Squad Gold

  • To develop new stroke skills
  • To significantly improve fitness by introducing longer and more demanding swims
  • To continue to develop racing skills
  • To become proficient in the use of the pace clock
  • To introduce specific periods of endurance, skill and competition training